Disney’s Frozen

Frozen_2013_Poster_3_640x914“Frozen” was THE movie to see this Thanksgiving with your family. I was a little skeptical after seeing reviews like “the best Disney film since ‘The Lion King” (OC Register), how could they compare it to one of the best Disney films of all time? For me Princess movies from Disney have been lacking lately. Would Frozen be able to live up to this statement?

It did, sort of. I wouldn’t say that it was up to “Lion King” status, but it was a thoroughly enjoyable film.

Like “Brave”, Disney has decided to focus on a family relationship more than the romance in the film. I am all for that, little girls should be shown that they do not need to depend on a man. You know, feminism, yada yada yada. However, for me, “Brave” which had a absolutely no love interest for the independent Merida, was lacking the spark to make it really Disney. “Frozen” attempts to balance a story of sisterly love and a story of romance. They do a really good job of it too, just not perfect.

The music was divine, which it couldn’t not be, with Eva Menzel (Wicked) playing Elsa. I went home singing the songs and begging my sister to build a snowman, which I will probably do everyday for the rest of her life, even though there is no snow here ever. It was another triumph in the music department for Disney. So, I would have to say that the music is as good as “Lion King’s” iconic score. However, the story is not quite able to reach those heights.

You will be laughing the whole movie, even if it is just because it is way too sappy at parts. My biggest complaint is that the villain is passive for about 80% of the film, and the plot is lacking in the action I felt the trailers promised. I would have liked to see more peril and more fighting, but the movie was good fun. And I have to give Disney props for creating a heroine who learns that she doesn’t have to wait to be saved by someone else.

I like the new feminist era of Princesses that has moved in with “Tangled,” “Brave”  and “The Princess and The Frog.” I just hope that little boys don’t lose their role models too. Can we get a prince movie over here?! It’s been a long time since “Hercules” and “Tarzan”.

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Dr. Who 50th Anniversery

Yesterdays episode was fantastic! I know there was a lot of squealing in my household. Other than a lack of the 9th Doctor, it was just perfect. And it broke the Guinness World Record for the largest televised telecast!

I loved Billie’s performance, pure genius! The chemistry between David Tenant and Matt Smith made everything work wonderfully.

The best part for me was John Hurst’s portrayal of the War Doctor. He was sweet and loveable and innocent, while also being strong and intense. The perfect balance in a character playing such a pivotal role.

Now that the special has past it is time to prepare for the Christmas Special, and sadly, the departure of Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor.

Here is the extremely brief tease from BBC:

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Reaping Ball – Hungergames/ Wrecking Ball Parody

Yes. Just, yes.

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November 22, 2013 · 8:01 pm

Catching Fire

MV5BMTAyMjQ3OTAxMzNeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDU0NzA1MzAx._V1_SX214_For those of you that didn’t rush out to see the premiere of Catching Fire, you missed out. Movies are always better when the theater is full of people who are genuinely excited about what they are going to see.

Personally, I went to a double feature, showing Hunger Games and Catching Fire back to back. The extra money for the ticket was well worth it! The crowd was hyped, and the energy from the first film flowed seamlessly into the next. It really gave you a feeling of how the two films matched each other. Plus, it was funny to watch the obnoxious guy in front of me laugh after every single line Woody Harrelson (Haymich) said.

In terms of the film itself, Jennifer Lawrence did it again! She was flawless and did a spectacular job portraying the rather complex character, Katniss.  Catching Fire is truer to the book than hunger games was, and I can understand the changes that they made. Somethings in books simply do not translate well on film. It was beautiful, the world of Panem is exquisitely brought into existence, and the arena is even more devastating than before.

The writers were able to counterbalance the striking drama of the story with perfectly timed sarcastic lines from many of the characters. There are plenty of new characters and plenty of old to become newly attached to, but remember, only one person survives the Hunger Games.

I don’t want to give anything away, especially for those who haven’t read the book, but be prepared for the ending. It will leave you majorly hanging! I had so many feelings left over I didn’t know what to do.

This film is going to be all anyone is talking about for the next couple of months, so go out and see it!

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The Night of the Doctor

Have you seen it?! It’s simply fantastic!

BBC has released a short mini-episode to tease the up coming Dr. Who 50th Anniversary, and for fans of the show it is outrageously exciting. I don’t want to give a lot away. See it for yourself here, let the squeals of joy commence!

Great right!?!

Officially my new favorite doctor! I love Mini-Episodes!

Seriously though, Eight only got to be in the film, it was really cool to see him again, AND I am so ready to find out what happened between Eight and Nine during the time war!

If you haven’t seen the show, you are going to think I am crazy, or you just aren’t going to care. However, if you are interested in finding out more about this crazy show that absolutely everyone is talking about now a days, first, read my blog posts to get an idea for what you are in for. They are HERE and HERE. Then start watching “Dr. Who” I would suggest starting with the film or the new series, just be aware, the first couple of episodes are very campy, get past those and you are golden (and possibly also addicted). I would wait to watch any classic “Dr. Who” until you are truely in love with the show.

For anyone already in love with the show, get ready for “An Adventure in Space and Time,” it looks wonderful!

Love “Doctor Who”? Need to let out all the feels you just received from that mini-episode? Leave a comment below! And stay tuned for my Dr. Who 50th Anniversary Special post! (Only eight days left!)


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Catching Fire is Almost Here!

www.pinterest.comA more accurate picture of how I feel cannot be found.

Hunger Games was one of the best pictures of last year and it’s sequel is almost here!

If you haven’t seen the movies or read the books, they are about a futuristic society called Panem, where two children from all 12 of the districts are sent into the Hunger Games to fight to the death. Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take the place of her young sister, Prim. She is then sent into the arena to fight against bigger and stronger tributes.

It really is fantastic, if you haven’t heard about it you have been living under a rock.

Jennifer Lawrence stars, and she is one of the nicest people ever. Seriously! I have never seen anything that made me think anything bad about her.

Here is the Catching Fire trailer for your enjoyment:

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Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fantastic or Fail?

Coulson is alive!
A very confusing, yet exciting prospect, due to his death in the film series. But in this world superheroes exist so anything is possible, right? The show follows a small team of agents that Coulson has formed after he has been brought back to life. Some of my friends have been a little confused by this show, which is fair because the purpose of the task force can be a little unclear at times, but I just tell them it is the “Men in Black” of superheroes. The superheroes are hiding and S.H.I.E.L.D is out to control them.
In terms of what I think of the show, I don’t like it, but I kind of do, its all very confusing. I find Skye and the two techno nerds extremely annoying and the purpose of the whole thing is way to vague. Sometimes it seems like they are rounding up superheroes, other times they are a task force doing random fighting stuff (honestly, I want to see more superheroes).  Also, I have a huge conspiracy theory that Coulson is still dead, or dreaming, or brainwashed, BECAUSE:
1.He now has everything he ever wanted, which never happens in TV until the final episode.
2.He seems to have been programmed with a call and response. Every time someone mentions Tahiti, where he supposedly went to recover, he says the same phrase, “It’s a magical place.”
3. The show is totally setting up S.H.I.E.L.D. to be the “bad guy”. Even Coulson is starting to question them a little!
SO, something fishy is going on and I don’t trust the whole thing and that is probably what has turned me against the whole thing.
Ok, geeky rant now over.
I officially have to redact anything I said previously, because my sister loves this show and will bar me from saying anything bad about it. And I know I can be wrong, so I need to know, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fantastic or Fail?
More on new Fall shows to come, and keep an eye out for my fantastically fan girlish Dr. Who 50th Anniversery Special post.

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Netflix Has Ruined My Life!

murder she wroteI was going to write another list of great movies to watch on Halloween. However, I cannot.

Netflix has removed “Murder, She Wrote” from Netflix!! How am I supposed to keep up with Jessica Fletcher now?!

“Murder, She Wrote” is a typical nosy old woman sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong. But, she solves mysteries all at the same time. The character Angela Lansbury plays is simply endearing. I grew up watching the show, so a certain amount of nostalgia is attached to the show for me. However, I feel like it is still a gem. Despite low production value, the stories are fun and family friendly.

Many people have a certain perspective of this show, but the truth is that it can really surprise you. For instance, there was a whole episode involving Jessica’s cross dressing nephew. Which is a subject I never thought this show would ever talk about.

I am officially going to go out and buy every single season. I don’t need to eat this week, right?


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Dr. Who Trailer

It’s finally here! The trailer for the Dr. Who 50th Anniversary Special!

Did you see all of the little tidbits? It’s like an iSpy book in there!

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